No I won’t ever give up, NO….

Omkar Khapare
2 min readJul 11, 2020

“To fail is to learn. To learn is to live.”

We love success, don’t we? The sweet, calm pleasure we experience when we reach the top of the hill. It’s a place you never want to leave.

What you don’t realize is that there are no more steps to go up, there’s only down hill!

Why do we fear failure? Why do we have fear at all? Fear doesn’t have any utilitarian function in our lives. Once we realize it, we’re only open to learning. This is called learning attitude.

Let’s dig deep in failure and learn why it is so important to fail twice as many times than achieving success.

“Repeated success is dangerous.”

When you pass in an examination, what does it tell you? It tells you that you know a particular concept. When you achieve a better grade than your friend, what does it tell you? It tells you that you know the concept better than your friend.

But, why do you want to learn it better than your friend? You just need to know the concept.

On the other hand, you failed the subject. This means that you don’t know the concept thoroughly. Now, you’ve read the concept twice, you’re also read the neighboring concepts that you thought might be asked in the examination.

This time, not only you pass the examination with flying colors, but you know more concepts than your friend. And as they say, “No knowledge is ever wasted.”

You don’t taste success when you feel pity for your failures. Life is a process of failing again and again and again, that builds you apetite for success.

“If you fail once, you build steps.

If you fail twice, you build an escalator.

If you fail thrice, you build an elevator.

…to success.”

Don’t let your failures go unnoticed. Learn from them.

Remember, early success is dangerous. Don’t get overwhelmed with success, it’s the worst place you can be. Happiness comes from regularly learning and failing and learning and failing and…

Also, be humble in the process.

Success is just about proving how huge your ego is. So stop looking for it and never give up, as Sia says.

